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AP news reports that - surprise, surprise, the whole Danish newspaper publishing Mohammed comics thing is the fault of ... wait for it ... the United States of America.
The U.S. base was targeted because the United States "is the leader of Europe and the leading infidel in the world," said Sher Mohammed, a 40-year-old farmer who suffered a gunshot wound while taking part in the demonstration in the city of Qalat.

Everything is our fault or Israel's fault.

Nate mentioned another report about CNN's role in this. I Googled it and found this blog entry by Michelle Malkin which appears to be similar to the one he was talking about.

Michelle has done some digging and come up with some very interesting stuff. I urge you to go read her whole report on the issue. Very interesting stuff.
CNN's original statement about their position on the 'toons was:
CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons in respect for Islam.

Fine and dandy. I have no beef with someone who wants to show respect for people's religion.
Except ...
CNN is more than happy to show images on live TV of the virgin Mary caked in dung. Where's the respect for Catholics who consider Mary to be holy?
Plenty more examples in that line on Michelle's blog.

But out of respect to Muslims, they aren't going to show a handful of cartoons that range from neutral to negative. Well look at how quick CNN started to respect religion when the controversy surrounded a religion whose advocates tend to be a tad incendiary. Why, they'll explode in rage at the slightest hint of blasphemy.

Let's face it. CNN (and NBC, for that matter) aren't concerned about respecting religion. They're not worried about offending people, they're worried about offending people who have an unhealthy interest in car bombs. They're frightened, so they're catering their news to the people they are frightened the most of.

This blog purports to show that the Egyptian newspaper Al Fagr printed these cartoons in October with absolutely no uproar. I can't read Arabic or verify the authenticity of this claim, but wouldn't this mean we should burn Egyptian flags and boycott Egypt?

Maybe the cause of the worst of the protests are because these major news agencies aren't showing the cartoons, but Muslim clerics are ... and not the cartoons the newspaper actually printed.
Imam Ahmad Abu Laban, the leader of the Islamic Society of Denmark toured the Middle-East to "create awareness" about 12 cartoons that were published in Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, on September 30, 2005.

However, the truth is that Imam Ahmad Abu Laban, brought at least 3 additional images, which HAD NEVER been published in any media source. They included a cartoon of Muhammad as a pedophile demon, Muhammed with a pig snout, and a praying Muslim being raped by a dog. The drawings in Jyllands-Posten were harmless compared to these (posted below)

Go check out what they're being told was printed.

This whole situation is preposterous. People are being killed over some cartoons. People are dying because some Muslims think they have the special right to not be offended. Oh sure, Syrian newspapers can print all kinds of bizarre cartoons that denigrate Jews, but if you offend the sensibilities of the Muslims, Allah help you, because his followers are coming for their pound of flesh.

The more I read on this, the more it worries me. Violent factions within Islam are gaining ground. Bloody times lie ahead. The root of this, as we all know, isn't the cartoons. It's not even about religion.

It's about control.
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