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[Ben]:The Jena Mess Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
I saw an interesting quote in an article about the various incidents in Jena, Louisiana.
In reference to Mychal Bell's recent re-incarceration related to his assault on another student which violated his parole from a previous assault charge ...
"He's locked up again," Marcus Jones said of his 17-year-old son. "No bail has been set or nothing. He's a young man who's been thrown in jail again and again, and he just has to take it."

Um ... no, he doesn't just have to take it. He could - this is just a thought - stop assaulting people. Then he wouldn't have to take it.

There have been some interesting reactions to this whole situation. What we need more of - especially from the people who are making a big racial issue out of this - is universal condemnation of intimidation and violence and demands that all who engage in such behavior be punished.
"We feel this was a cruel and unusual punishment and is a revenge by this judge for the Jena Six movement," said Sharpton, who helped organize the protest held Sept. 20, the day Bell was originally supposed to be sentenced.

Prosecuting a parole violation is cruel and unusual, but a violent assault isn't? Huh?
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