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[Ben]:It's getting to be that time again ... Discuss This [0 comments so far] View Comments
It's hard to believe considering the Presidential race has been going on for the past twelve years, but it is actually starting to get close to the political season. While our Presidential candidates continue to ignore their (extremely well paid) real jobs and jet around the country trying to build support, some of the State and local campaigns are gearing up.

Today I received a letter from the Indiana Republican Party asking me to support Greg Zoeller for Attorney General. His website is pretty thin on issues (as befits someone running for a non-legislative position) but because the job tends to be politicized so much, I thought I'd try to find out where he stands on some issues. Hopefully this will be the first of a number of posts where I seek out the opinions of local candidates and report them - as I did a few years ago with some candidates running for State Rep.

Anyway, what follows is my letter to Zoeller. I tried to make it as neutral as possible, and will likely send an identical letter to Zoeller's opponent. I will post replies here.
To whom it may concern,

Today I received an email asking me to support Greg Zoeller in his run for Attorney General. I'm interested to know his opinions on a few issues that are not represented on his website.

Will Mr. Zoeller use his position to lobby the Legislature for additional gun control measures, retain existing gun control laws or work to repeal elements of current gun control legislation?

In a more broad sense, how does Mr. Zoeller plan to use the position of Attorney General? Does he support broadening the authority of the State government in order to better protect citizens and aggressively using any existing tools where necessary, simply preserving and utilizing the existing powers of the State government, or pushing to more strictly limit the scope and use of State authority to the bare minimum?

Thank you for your response,
Ben Swenson
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