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[Ben]:Not my bank, buddy Discuss This [3 comments so far] View Comments
Recently I stopped by a local Huntington Bank figuring it was a little closer than some of my other banks and would be more convenient for a deposit. It had been many months since I last set foot in that branch and so I was a little surprised when I saw that the door was equipped with lights and some new signs. I'm kicking myself for not getting a picture, but in essence it said something along the lines of "Weapons detection system in place. Persons carrying weapons will be denied access." It looked like you had to be buzzed in. I turned around and went to another bank down the street.

Today I shipped off three letters (printed on pretty paper and everything). One to Mark Thompson, Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Segment Performance Director - the SVP in charge of physical branch security, and a copy each to Michael W. Newbold, Regional Manager for the Central Indiana Region and Stephen D. Steinour, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer.

I don't expect them to change their policy, so I've notified them we're starting the process of transferring and cancelling all of our Huntington Bank accounts. Because of this, we've found some pretty good refi rates for our home. Maybe I should thank them for ticking me off.

Anyone who carries should be warned that at least some Huntington banks prohibit lawful carry of handguns.
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