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[Ben]:Seven habits of highly effective mercenaries No discussion found

These are from Schlock: Mercenary.

Posted for your amusement. The list is incomplete because not all the rules have been used in the strip.

Rule #1: Pillage, then burn.

Rule #6: If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Rule #8: Mockery and derision have their place. Usually, it's on the far side of the airlock.

Rule #9: Never turn your back on an enemy.

Rule #12: A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

Rule #13: Do unto others.

Rule #16: Your name is in the mouth of others: be sure it has teeth.

Rule #21: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow.

Rule #27: Don't be afraid to be the first to resort to violence.

Rule #29: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less.

Rule #30: A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Rule #31: Only cheaters prosper.

Rule #34: If you're leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun.

Rule #35: That which does not kill you has made a tactical error.

Rule #36: When the going gets tough, the tough call for close air support.

Rule #37: There is no “overkill”. There is only “open fire” and “I need to reload”.

Rule #38: Just because it's easy for you doesn't mean it can't be hard on your clients.
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