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[Ben]:1,028 .45s on the wall ... Discuss This [4 comments so far] View Comments
On Sunday, May 28th, I blew Nate up. Pictures will be posted later. For those of you not there, it might help to imagine the scene in Lost where the guy is telling the other folks to be very careful with dynamite.

Since then, I've lost faith in my current stock of .45ACP reloads. That means I've got to burn up 1,028 rounds and I've got to do it in my guns. No sharing, no letting someone else shoot 'em - if any more are overcharged, it'll all be on me. It is entirely possible that the remaining stock is just fine, but I can't and won't take that chance if anyone else might shoot my ammo.

After that I can start fresh and completely restyle my reloading operation. I'm going to need a taller chair to make it easier to see into cases, I'm going to mount another light and I'm going to set goals and limits on reloading sessions to keep me sharper. I'm going to keep better notes and mark boxes with dates and comments.

But first.

I need to find a few hours to spend shooting. Not alternating on the line, not chatting with friends, I need to spend it doing nothing but shooting. I'd like to have someone else there in case something really serious happens, but basically I intend to shoot up all of that .45ACP between two guns in one session. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with the overheating issue yet. We'll see.

This will give me an excuse to get some intense practice in as well as wring out my supply of magazines. I'm going to need a range, some time and someone to stand in as my second. First step is to figure out the free time. I've got three potential ranges from 3-60 minutes away depending on other people's willingness to let me use their land for such an exercise, time constraints and so forth. My second? Well, I suppose that'll depend on who is willing and who is interested. EMT training is a plus.
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